More Job Hunting

January 5, 2005 -

It's interesting. I look for Systems Analyst and Web Development jobs, and I come up with positions like this and this. In the end, it's frustrating when the jobs I want are all in Boulder and Denver, which would be a longer commute than I had from Brewster to Hartford.

So I'm spending my time unpacking, which is of course a huge chore, and I'm taking care of the few remaining address changes and other annoyances involved with the move, such as donating the junk we left in Brewster to the salvation army and finding out how to best close out our east-coast bank accounts.

But all-in-all, we've got a good life here. Last night it snowed pretty hard, but in the end only about 2 inches was on the ground, and someone else plowed our driveway - guess the townhouses we're in now hired someone for the job - I won't complain. The scenery here is beautiful, and Linda and I were shocked last night to find that after she got back from work and we cooked and ate dinner, then watched a movie, it was only 8:30. 8:30?! We used to get home around that time! Having more free time is good.

Comments on More Job Hunting
Comment Thu, January 6 - 10:41 AM by ronbo97
Greg -

Jobwise, think 'outside the box'. Lots of companies allow their employees to telecommute. DSL/Cable Modem + VPN + Remote Desktop Access and you're all set.
Glad the move went well. Post something to Swingmonkey when you get a chance. :-)
Comment Thu, January 6 - 12:25 PM by Glenn Howley

Let me know if you do get a job as a 'ballistic missle defense system operative' or a 'space station controller' or something. I have a few people that I'd like you to locate and blow up VIA satelite. Anywho, I'm glad the move went well and your finding time to relax together. Happy New Year, talk to ya soon.