Children of The Gods, Chapter 6

February 16, 2007 - -

I've blogged about Children of the Gods before - it's an amazing podcast. Originally intended to be released on a monthly schedule, this radio serial-like podcast is the story of the human race's second war against the alien race known as the Tarthet.

We barely survived the first Tarthet assault on our planet.
Afterward, it didn't take long for us to realize that our world was too devastated to provide for us any longer. In a bid to allow the planet to recover, we left our homes behind to live among the stars. Five centuries later, science has shown us many wonderful things, and we have finally begun to accept the fact that it may be many generations more before we can return to our homeworld.
Now, the Tarthet have returned to claim our birthright for their own. The odds are against us, but we will not give up this battle. We will not simply concede defeat and fade away. We will fight them with every last breath.

The story and the presentation are amazing, and has only gotten better as the episodes have progressed. July was the last time we got a new episode, but a week from this Sunday, we'll finally be seeing chapter six. I can't wait.

Be sure to listen to Children of the Gods's newest promo - they actually cite!