Box Model, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

September 18, 2007 - -

I used to be a css wizard. I used to feel like I knew everything there was to know about XHTML and the box model, even if some aspects of the DOM were a bit over my head. But that didn't matter as much, since it only came into play with scripting, and much of what javascript is commonly used for can be accomplished with some css2.

I used to visit web design blogs almost daily, keeping up on the newest browser hacks and the newest tricks to succinctly achieve cross-browser compatibility with a minimum of fuss. I bought Zeldman's book, I followed the work of Stu Nicholls and Dan Cederholm, I read A List Apart and visited CSS Zen Garden regularly. I could do with css what Zorro could do with a sword, what Albus Dumbledore could do with a wand.

Last night, I learned that I'd forgotten how when I tried to construct a simple 3x3 centered grid with divs, spans, and css, and failed. Maybe it was that I'd had a drink before I started, maybe it was just that I was tired, but probably it was that I haven't really worked much with web design and css for two and a half years.

Let me tell you, it was frustrating. I got really very frustrated. And somewhere between standing there growling at my machine and pacing back and forth outdoors trying to figure out why my divs were collapsing when they had no content, I grew disgusted with the whole thing.

As I think back now, after a night of sleep, I seem to recall that css just isn't good for vertically expanding columns. I remember people using tiling backgrounds to create the appearance of complete columns. I may in fact end up using a vertical spacer gif, only to avoid having to use tables, which I abhor. Or maybe I should just suck it up and use a table - that would certainly be easier. Or maybe I'll try this. Oh, I'm rambling now, and I haven't even mentioned what this is about.

I'm doing another freebie website. I think this makes four thousand and twelve I've done now. I lost count. Every time, I say "no more freebies", but then some other family member or worthy cause comes along. Honestly, I don't have the time. But this is a one-page static site, and I figured it'd take an hour. Ugh. Maybe it would have if I remembered everything I used to know. The next time I sit down to look at this, if I can't figure things out the way I want within 20 minutes, I'm just going to use a goddamned table. Stupid high ideals.