Frugal Parenting Tip and Lia Update

February 9, 2008 -

LiaA tip to other frugal parents out there: cheapest place I've found to buy diapers? Whoda thunk? $38 for 160 pampers? Not bad at all.

Lia taught herself over this past week how to sit up on her own. She rolls onto her side, pulls her legs up, then rolls onto her legs. Bracing one hand on the floor, she then hand-walks herself up to a sit. It's perhaps a bit sad how excited Linda and I get about things like this, but the first time she did it, we both applauded.

She's now 100% over her cold, and I'm getting over mine at last. Huzzah.

Comments on Frugal Parenting Tip and Lia Update
Comment Sat, February 9 - 2:13 PM by pmd
Wait till she gets movin'

Really Movin'

Comment Sun, February 10 - 10:06 AM by tagger
. . . and so it begins.
Comment Fri, February 15 - 6:34 AM by The Dock
Walking will follow before you know it. This stuff tends to speed up exponentially. Its not sad to be excited about each little developement. Potty training is like a "Get outta jail free" card. Wait 'til she starts talking, "I mean really talkin'" (nod to Dumin). They become know-it-alls by age three. I was working on my kitchen floor. The three year old retort "Daddy broke the we have to throw it out." :0)