April Fools

April 1, 2008 -

clippyLooking for a good April Fools joke to pull on a coworker? I recommend Clippy. You know that damn annoying paper clip in Windows? This makes it pop up and say inane things. By default, it pops up every 60 seconds, but it's configurable. The things it says are also configurable, which is a lot of fun.

I used this on a coworker back at Travelers about 5 years ago. Lots of fun.

Comments on April Fools
Comment Tue, April 1 - 6:05 PM by pmd
I sent an e-mail to my team and cc'ed my boss which said...

"Due to circumstances beyond my control, there will be no big parade this afternoon."

I know, not original... but it was this year's "Plan B"

Apparently, nobody on my team remembered it was April 1st. Within about 5 minutes, I had people around my desk confused as hell about this parade. They seemed to think it was some team building exercise or something. I could hear my boss over the wall talking to herself, "What the hell is he talking about? What parade?"

Once everyone figured it out, all hell broke lose. People were taping telephone receivers down, unplugging mice, etc.

Good times.