Scenes of Hilarity

March 26, 2009 - -

Over the last week or so, some pretty damn funny stuff has happened at my place, so I figure I'll share.

Last week, Linda was doing here normal morning Wii Fit workout, and as usual, Lia was helping her "-size". (exercise) At one point, I walked into the room, and Linda was doing Wii Fit Hulu Hoop. While that music was playing, Lia had set down her animatronic stuffed pig on the floor and activated it. It was singing "Old Macdonald", and she was running in circles around it. Amidst a scene of such chaos, what else could I do but add to the cacaphony? I started singing The Star Spangled Banner in my best opera voice. Linda started laughing so hard that she could no longer hula hoop.

The second scene of hilarity happened this morning while I was giving Lia a bath. I heard crashing, banging, and all sorts of noise and looked out to see the cat bolting through the kitchen at breakneck speed, with the handle of a plastic bag around her neck. As she ran, air filled up the bag making it into a bit of a sail. The cat was downright terrified. She ran across the entire house, and we heard a crash far away in the bedroom. An instant later, she returned, fleeing the terrible Bag. I eventually caught her and got the bag off, but it was some time later before we stopped laughing.

We still can't find the cat.