One Thousand

December 29, 2015 - -

This is my one thousandth post on this blog. It's kind of crazy to think that I've written that much. But it's been 11 years - I guess that means 7.5 posts per month on average. I think there must have been a time when I was writing a lot, because I don't come close to that many recently.

At some point, if I ever get time, I'd like to completely re-write the software that runs this site from scratch, and set it up so that the new software can use the same database. That way, all my old posts stay intact.

We'll see - it's a big project, and time is one thing I don't have a lot of lately.

To close off, I'm going to steal an idea from Josh and list my top ten favorite posts that I've written these past eleven years.

10 - Robocop: The Unauthorized Biography This one barely made the list, but here it is. Kind of funny, I guess.

9 - Games or Music - Which is more important? An interesting-commentary article. I like these.

8 - Future Best Movies and TV Shows, one of my rare "future history" posts, in which I imagined what some of the best television and movies in the coming decade might be. We didn't get a Wheel of Time series or a Macross adaptation yet, and M Night Shymalan hasn't given us much worth watching, but given how well they did with Star Wars episode 7, I'm holding out hope for a Shadows of the Empire movie with Luke rendered young like they did with Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy.

7 - Movie List, Age 4, Age 5, Age 6, Age 7, Age 8, Age 9, Age 10, older I guess the reason this series is on my top ten is because I refer back to it constantly. When I made the lists, Lia was four. Now, she's eight. She watched some of the movies when she was younger than the listed age. Others she has yet to watch. In retrospect, I don't feel bad skipping many of the old school Disney Princess movies, and Peter Pan and Pinocchio are totally skippable. We also still haven't seen Ratatouille, The Iron Giant, or The Rescuers Down Under. She really doesn't love movies, and it kills me that she refuses to watch The Empire Strikes Back because she thought A New Hope was too violent. But I digress.

6 - Science Fiction Top 25 was a fun post. Somehow, it's always fun making lists. What made this one extra-fun was the fact that I included books, TV shows, movies, and videogames and intermixed them. If I had to go back to this list, I might take a few things out, but for the most part I stand by it.

5 - Top 51 Games My first "best games ever" list. It's been since revised, but it's always nice to go back and look at the original.

4 - These are my people Written at a time when I felt largely separated from people who had common interests, this post was about the sense of belonging that came through the internet. Belonging to an internet community of geeks.

3 - Top 20 Mistakes in the star wars franchise Another list. This one was way too easy, as there's a ton to pick on in the prequels.

2 - Technology, Convergence, and Human Evolution This is an article I'd originally written for The Secret Lair that I ported over to my site once tSL disappeared. It's basically just a "We Live In The Future" article about how amazing tech has become. I just really like it.

1 - Thoughts on Copyright and Piracy This one is my favorite because I'm happy with how my evaluation of the issue turned out. I feel like it's well thought-out and relatively neutral in terms of judgement.

Okay, you know what? This isn't exactly 1000 posts. I'm just under because I realized that as I was developing the site back in 2004, I deleted a lot of test posts, so there are gaps. But it's close enough, so I'm calling my thousandth post.