Sequel to the Worst Movie Ever

September 26, 2005 - -

I've long known that while the SciFi channel has some great shows, they also harbor some real garbage - original B-movies that put Day of The Triffids to shame. Mansquito??

Wrath of the Dragon godBut now they've really crossed the line. They went and made a sequel to the Dungeons and Dragons movie. I can't stop watching Galactica, but as a D&D player, I may never forgive them. The original was D&D's version of Reefer Madness - A PR backfire. They tried to introduce D&D to the masses, but failed in a way that makes the new Star Wars movies look like a riotous success.

I suppose this is nothing new - the marketers who've worked with D&D have failed miserably from the start, as evidenced by this 1983 commercial. (5.3mB download)

Comments on Sequel to the Worst Movie Ever
Comment Tue, September 27 - 4:23 PM by tagger
_Worst_ movie ever? Gee . . . I don't know . . . I've always thought "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" was pretty bad, not to mention "Plan 9 from Outer Space."

I think it's pretty cool that a role-playing game from my generation could survive this long. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson have much to answer for, it would seem.