
November 9, 2004 -

Last night, Linda caught me laughing in my sleep. I only remember the dream because she asked. I was dreaming of a ninja - kneeling, and chanting loudly... shouting actually...

Ninja... NINJA!!!

Comments on Ninja!!!
Comment Tue, November 9 - 3:36 PM by Glenn

Comment Tue, November 9 - 3:42 PM by Greg
Oops! :-)
Comment Tue, November 9 - 3:48 PM by Glenn
Dag nabbit, ..didn't get very far with the ...previous comment, there..heh.. Anyway, what I was going to say was that I think you've reached the point where you can no longer watch ANY more 'American Ninja' movies. Due to the fact that they may be encouraging your recently disturbing ninja premenitions. I think I might have to... get you... like a Dream Catcher.. or something.
Sleep tight, Don't let the creepy ninja's bite!
Comment Thu, November 11 - 12:23 PM by The V. Kestral
Yes G. its me "the dock" like the phoenix from the ashes I return. This bit about the ninja actually almost had me short out my computer here at Aetna because I spit coffee out laughing. In a very loose burlesque I had a similar experience only I was chanting RASTA. Barb thought I finally made that last plunge into madness but I asured her that I was having some bizzare dream about Bob Marley and the Whailers, which I was. I was screaming RASTA because I had pictured Bob Marley puffing on a MONDO blunt was trying to kill me with his guitar? I never found out why(I woke up at that point, probably for the best.) Peace brother of the hodge.

Glenn "The Vulpine Kestral" Hydock
Comment Thu, November 11 - 1:25 PM by Greg
Glenn - I edited the end of your entry, since you couldn't edit it yourself. Hope this isn't a problem.
Comment Thu, November 11 - 12:28 PM by Greg