Geekiest Moments of 2008

January 9, 2009 -

While on Christmas in Connecticut, I'd heard about a NPR segment differentiating Geeks, Nerds, and Dorks, so I searched NPR for it. What I found was this: The Geekiest Moments of 2008.

The story does discuss Geeks, Nerds, and Dorks, but also hits some good geek moments. Dark Knight, the Large Hadron Collider, and others. They discuss Barack Obama perhaps a bit much, but I enjoyed it. You can see all 50 moments here.

Comments on Geekiest Moments of 2008
Comment Wed, January 28 - 2:06 PM by Tuco
Has this blog died?
Comment Wed, January 28 - 4:39 PM by Greg
No. I'm just struggling madly to pay my bills and I have no time for blogging.